A Little Bit Of Everything!!!

It's only WORDS... ..for words are all I have, to take your heart away!

Monday, March 28, 2005


Every morning is a start they say...but start of what?
So many of our mornings are nothing except start of yet another couple of hours lost in the race against time , the struggle against the tempting bed or in the haste of preparing for the coming day..another bead in the string of monotony, samenesss, routine. Just a bead mind you, not a start. Routines do not start, or end...the chain of montony is endless.

Occasionally time and destiny act as the blacksmiths and break a link or two, or join the existing chain with a new one, of a new routine, with a few fresh links, such that one routine breaks into another.

The predictability about the whole thing almost stinks. I want challenging starts to my days, and satisfied ends when I go to bed. I want killing suspenses, uncertainties galore, highs, lows, depressions, bouts of laughter, anything...something! I want to wake up this morning half believing it is my last, and sleep each night surprised with myself for making it to another night. I don't want to live a life so set that I always know what's most likely next...O cmon, not ALWAYS should I know everything.
It automatically creates expectations. I hate expectations.
So I imagine a situation where I can NEVER expect anything , even if I try, because all the time I'm expecting almost anything to happen.;)

Do I sound mad, sadist, masochist? Maybe, I am..So what!!:D
Hey BTW, Good Morning.....


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