A Little Bit Of Everything!!!

It's only WORDS... ..for words are all I have, to take your heart away!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Just Wondering...

Some random thoughts...

somehow, it just occured to me that one of the most desired things by all of us is control over our lives...we all scramble for control, all the time:control over nature, life, work, other people, u name it....
But more than anything we all want to control our own lives...so that nothing goes wrong with it, at least not unexpectedly...
Many times we encounter situations when we want to do something, but know that we can't, or shouldn't...like if u have a bad throat and the weather is cold, but u still feel like having an icecream..knowing fully well u'll pobably end up in bed with a fever the next day!Or when u have an exam and u know u've a lot of mugging to do,still u;re tempted to wile away time, sleep, or catch a movie....
Those are the situations, u end up scolding urself mostly... the mind wars urself...and regardless of who wins, or what the consequences are...in the end u always wish u had more control on ur life...that whimsical impulsive actions tha u need to regret later never happened...

Then again, my crazy mind asks me that maybe these whimsical moments are the ones that define life...that make living the joy and the fun it is..and that without them living would be like a jail....a punishment...!!!

Oops..here i go again..wish i were more decisive than this!:P


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